YONSEI-EU Jean Monnet Centre

EU와 ASIA를 연결하는 네트워크 허브

EU Brief: 2010년 10월호

작성자 Yonsei-EU JMCE 날짜 2010-10-01 00:00:00 조회수 59
  1. EU Focus Welcoming the era of Korea-EU strategic partnership
  2. EU Economy Policy suggestions for solving EU’s problems of internal economic imbalance
  3. EU Politics EU and its member states’ policy positions at the November G20 Summit
  4. Trade Issues EU’s efforts to tackle unfair trade: An analysis of EU’s dispute settlement cases at the WTO 
  5. Industry Trends EU grains industry and changes in the Common Agricultural Policy
  6. EU Law Amendments of EU legislation procedures in the Lisbon Treaty 
  7. Social Issues EU’s Common Immigration Policy
  8. Report Review 5 solutions to fix the eurozone
  9. EU Centre News The 16th EU Special Lecture, Satisfaction survey on EU Brief