YONSEI-EU Jean Monnet Centre

EU와 ASIA를 연결하는 네트워크 허브

EU Brief: 2013년 8월호

작성자 Yonsei-EU JMCE 날짜 2013-08-01 00:00:00 조회수 76
  1. EU Focus Political Significance of Croatia's entry into EU
  2. EU Economy Poor Management of Banks Imposes More Pressure on Restructuring
  3. EU Politics Ukraine Stands at a Crossroads
  4. Trade & Investment Korea-EU FTA: Achievement and Assessment of past 2 years
  5. Industry Trends EU's Efforts to Revive Electronics Industry
  6. EU Law EU's Investigation on Google Violating the Competition Law
  7. Social Issues Glass Ceiling: The Female Political Leadership in Europe
  8. Report Review Banking Soundness is the Key to more SME Financing
  9. EU Centre News 2013 Special Lecture for the Summer Session on EU Environment, 2013 Immersion Field Trip to Brussels, The 1st Korea-EU Cooperative Forum