YONSEI-EU Jean Monnet Centre

EU와 ASIA를 연결하는 네트워크 허브

EU Brief: 2010년 4월호

작성자 Yonsei-EU JMCE 날짜 2010-04-01 00:00:00 조회수 145
  1. EU Economy Interim analysis on European fiscal crisis
  2. EU Politics EU and Japan clash over trade in bluefin tuna
  3. Trade Issues What ASEAN can learn from EU's economic integration
  4. Industry Trends Recent performance of EU's most valuable brands
  5. EU Law Pre-hearing procedures on competition law in EU
  6. Social Issues Past and current EU sports policies 
  7. Report Review Eurozone faces a challenge of regional imbalance after successful first decade
  8. EU Centre News The 1st Business Symposium, International Seminar on the Lisbon Treaty, EU-Korea Seminar on Priorities for a Post 2012 Agreement, The 10th EU Special Lecture: Introduction to European Scholarships, The 6th EU Core Circle Society Seminar