YONSEI-EU Jean Monnet Centre

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Yonsei-EU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence에서 알려드리는 공지사항입니다.

[Journalists and Businesses Workshop] GEEF 2024

작성자 연세대학교 쟝 모네 EU센터 날짜 2024-03-13 16:53:27 조회수 587

연세대-쟝모네 EU센터에서는 GEEF 2024의 <Featured & Scientific Session 9>에 패널로 참여합니다. 주제는 "The Sustainability and Resilience of the EU and the Implications to Korea"입니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

- 장소: 연세대학교 백양누리 그랜드볼룸 B
- 시간: 오전 10:50-11:50

- 프로그램 링크: https://www.geef-sd.org/program.php?mid=m02_01 
- GEEF 2024 RSVP 등록 링크: https://geef-sd.org/regist.php?mid=m04_01

JMCE 세션 정보:

Featured 9 10:50-11:50
The Sustainability and Resilience of the EU and the implications to Korea

Yeonho Lee, Director, Yonsei-EU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE); Professor, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University

Presenter: Jorg Weberndorfer, Minister Counsellor at EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea
Young-ook Jang, Research Fellow, North America and Europe Team, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Taedong Lee, ProfessorDepartment of Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University