EU와 ASIA를 연결하는 네트워크 허브
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2월10일 연세-SERI EU 센터는 서울 프레스센터에서 에너지대안포럼 및 독일 콘라드 아데나워 재단 한국사무소와 공동으로' 녹색일자리 창출의 현실과 과제' 포럼을 개최했다.
이번 포럼에는 재생가능에너지로 신규 고용 확대에 성공한 독일의 사례 등을 공유하고 우리나라 녹색산업과 신재생에너지에 대한 발표가 진행됐다.포럼의 각 세션에서는 독일의 마이어 솔라 솔루션 플로리안 폰 그로퍼 사장, 고려대학교 경제학과 강성진 교수, 그리고 한국고용정보원 주무현 박사의 발표가 있었다. 또한 동국대학교 교양교육원 박진희 교수와 세종대학교 기후변화특성대학원 박년배 교수의 지정토론이 이어졌다.
On February 10th, the Yonsei-SERI EU Centre’s Brussel Forum on “Objectives of Alternative Energy Promotions – Jobs or Energy Turnaround?-Sharing experiences and information between Korea and Germany-“ was held at the International Conference Hall of Korea Press Foundation.
The Forum began with the welcoming remarks and congratulatory remarks of Jinsoo Song, Alternative Energy Forum Representative President of the Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy, Prof. Young-Ryeol Park, Director of the Yonsei-SERI EU Centre, and Dr. Nobert Eschborn, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Korea.
In the first presentation, Mr. Florian von Gropper, CEO of Maier Solar Solutions Corporation presented on the renewable energy industry of Germany, in particular the solar industry. Solar generation in Germany has grown to occupy a significant market share, with commercial power plants and generative capability in agricultural buildings. These provide additional income to the installations, the majority of which are private sources and small enterprises. Solar power alone has created an employment of 130,000 in a relatively short period. Many of these jobs are in services and installation, where small companies are effective. In the classical energy mix, external costs are not internalized. When including externalities and subsidies, solar is superior to fossil fuels. In the long run large subsidies are required support alternative energy, but when compared to large subsidies awarded to coal and nuclear power in the past, it is not impossible. As solar is not constant, intermediate energy storage, and intelligent network is a must for large solar grids.
In the second presentation, Prof. Sungjin Kang of Korea University’s department of economics, presented on “Green Industry and Employment Prospects”. Korean employment is characterized by low growth, and low employment per point of growth. Job creation will happen when budget transferred from sector A to sector B, so the net effect of government support and total number of jobs is important. When considering ‘green jobs’, the UNEP definition of green job should be taken into consideration, as well as a strict definition of the terms ‘green industry’, and ‘green occupation. The impact of green policy and transfer of government budget must take into account the substitution, replacement, elimination, and transformation of jobs. Macroeconomic analysis must precede alternative energy efforts.
In the third presentation, Renewable Energy and Job Creation Dr. Muhyun Joo of Korea Employment Information Service presented on “Renewable Energy and Job Creation”. In his presentation, Dr. Moohyun Joo estimated thirty thousand jobs created by the Korean governments renewable energy policy. In the short run, these is a weak relationship, but investment in renewable energies equipment is expected to increase job creation. To achieve this, supporting policy should be differentiated depending on energy sources, coupled with technician training and internship programmes.
The panel discussion session was led by Prof. Jinhee Park (Dongguk University) and Prof Nyun-Bae Park (Sejong University), where the topics of green growth, methods of power generation, energy mix and employment, and energy laws were discussed.