YONSEI-EU Jean Monnet Centre

EU와 ASIA를 연결하는 네트워크 허브

제 20회 유럽의 對중동 관계

작성자 Yonsei-EU JMCE 날짜 2023-07-26 06:09:14 조회수 28

일시: 2013년9월27일(금) 16:00~18:00


장소: 삼성경제연구소5층510호회의실


주제: 유럽의對중동관계


발표자: 인남식국립외교원교수


주최: 연세-SERI EU센터


후원: 유럽연합(EU)


On September 27th 2013, the 20th Core Circle Society on "Europe's Middle East Policy" by Professor In Nam Sik of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy took place at SERI conference room 510. In his lecture, Professor In examined the history of European involvement and diplomacy in the Middle East since the 19th century to the present, explaining key events and issues defining the relations. Important agendas such as anti terrorism, democratization, immigration and refugee problems, as well as the deep rooted role of human networks between Europe and the Middle East were discussed in the lecture.